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2021-01-19 20:35
Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital is good healing. Hemorrhoids exactly what is the cause? Mention hemorrhoids, we should know, because many friends could get haemorrhoid, even don't see a lot of people, feel good living habits, why would have to piles, that there are many factors, the following let's look at the piles together exactly what is the cause?
Now that most physicians thought, causes of the hemorrhoids, have the following several aspects
A, anatomy reason: when the person is standing or seat, anal rectum is located at the bottom, because of gravity and viscera squeezing, venous reflux popular up obstacles. Rectal vein and its branches short venous flap, the blood is not easy to return, simple YuJi. Special is put its blood vessels, at different heights through the muscularis, simple poop squeezing, influence blood backflow. Around vein through mucosa at the bottom of the loose arrangement again, short bracket, winding that simple expansion.
Genetic contact: congenital thin vein wall, resistance decrease, can't tolerate pressure within the blood vessels, thus gradually expanding.
Three, professional contact: long standing or sitting, weight-bearing travel for a long time, influence the venous return, make the pelvic congestion in the blood stream is slow and internal organs, the cause of excessive hemorrhoid venous filling, venous wall tension, blood vessels expand simple blood stasis. And because of the lack of movement, intestinal peristalsis decreases, the slow down of excrement and urine, or habitual constipation, can squeeze and influence vein, make some hyperemia and blood backflow obstacles, causing hemorrhoids venous pressure, vein wall of resistance to decline.
Part four, influence and diet not festival: the anus department form cold, heat, constipation, diarrhea, excessive drinking and eat spicy food, can affect the anus and rectum, make hyperaemia of hemorrhoid venous plexus, affect the venous blood backflow, causes vein wall of resistance to drop.
Five, the anal vein pressure heighten: due to liver cirrhosis, liver congestion and heart function of compensatory not congruent, all can make the anus venous congestion, increased pressure, rectal venous blood backflow.
Add: six, intra-abdominal pressure because of abdominal tumor, uterine cancer, ovarian tumor, prostate, pregnancy, obesity diet too full or squat toilet too long, can make the internal pressure to add, hinder the venous blood backflow.