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    杭州市医保定点机构 在线预约 | 咨询医师 | 进入医师答疑区| 2020-10-04 17:09

      Piles of hangzhou anus tai hospital medical. Hemorrhoids is one of the anorectal diseases, as the saying goes "ten nine hemorrhoids," is enough to see a high incidence of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids hematochezia, anal pain, anal pruritus symptoms often sits awkwardly to the patient's days and work has brought a lot of inconvenience and annoyance. So, how to get away from hemorrhoids with days?


       痔疮杭州医博肛泰医院. 教您,怎样远离痔疮烦恼







    1, exercise more, often take part in various sports activities such as broadcasting gymnastics, tai chi, qigong, kicking shuttlecock and so on, can enhance the body's disease-resistant ability, reduce disease, about the effect of piles are also must guard against.
    2, guard against constipation: the normal daily shit, shit moment have different habits of early, middle and after dinner. Normal discharge shit is forming a soft, do not loose, do not feel difficult defecation during defecation, then empress feel relaxed and comfortable, this shows that the gastrointestinal function.
    3, as far as possible a poop: some patients after surgery anal pain and fear, defecate or stool for anal pain after emptying the bowel movement, leading to defecate in the rectum stay time is too long, moisture is absorbed excessive, dung qualitative dry and difficult to discharge.
    4, keep clean around the anus, the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon are the local store and secrete feces, feces containing many of the bacteria, these bacteria pollution around the anus is very short, and induce sweat glands and sebaceous glands around anus infection, and sores furuncle, abscess.
    5, careful diet: don't drink, don't eat spicy food, such as pickle, pepper, chili sauce, ginger, spring onion, garlic, fennel, etc.
    6, careful care during pregnancy, women after pregnancy can cause increased abdominal pressure, especially in late pregnancy, the uterus squeezed by more accurate, inferior vena cava directly affect the hemorrhoid venous reflux, briefly induced tumors, this kind of situation don't timing is especially significant in position.


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